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Valour tales of India

Nirnimesh koted

I have beheld myriad alluring wonders of the world,
Yet! A place where my blood feels an ambiance of patriotism;
An atmosphere where my lungs breathe the oxygen of Liberty;
A Graceland where my soul sense peace of Evergreen;
India; a land of dignity and valiance of fearless warriors,
Feels home to the heart and heaven to the soul!
I love thee, O my India!
Better than Kingdom of Paradise and Arcadia,
A soulful country, an emblem of hope,
Fair with the beauty of liberty and diversity of golden heritage,
Where birds sing the song of freedom, and scatter their love for Harmonious Unity;
Wind chimes annex music of nature's lavish diversity and hymns hope of resilent,
It is a motherland of dauntless revolutionaries,
Where myriad freedom fighter died for Nation's blessed bountiful noble soil,
When foe and Invader slaved the country by the walls of Betrayal,
Seized myriad people vigorously by Martin chain,
Bound inncoent folks, and butchered many in massacres,
Mind were full of fury, Mercy of ages lost in the fray,
Hefty Clouds of slavery surrounded the atmosphere of evergreen home,
Ablaze conflict for a fresh atmosphere of Independence,
Even in dark forest, treacherous prisons,
Bound in waist chains, stifled slavery,
Revolutionaries warrios fought battles with the slaveholders,
For the love of the motherland and Nation's language of brotherhood and God's service of faith and unity,
Fearless warriors sacrificed their living hood, and entered the battlefield of Independence,
Do or die, quote echoed in every Indian ear!
On the battlefield,
Invader tasted the raging sword of warriors,
Nation blossom by assemblage prayers, and
Revolutionary people daring Vengeance move!
India, A largest Democratic country, a beacon of freedom,
Laden with pillars of Nationalism in every blood and Heart of dignity in world's eye.
From the West arid desert of Rajasthan to the East greenland honeydew,
From North Jammu abstract beauty to South Kanyakumari sapphire ocean view,
Manifold Vivid Beauty with rays of brotherhood and fruit of invincible toil,
By the grace of the motherland and Indian martyrs,
Nation breathe air of Independence and love,
To take pride in our diverse and spectacular heritage,
For maintaining solemn pledges, all we need is
Harmonious unity, Cohesiveness Solidarity!

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