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The night, a mistress.

Faiz Abdulla

The night, a mistress.

How comforting,
the touch of a cool breeze,
Your body, tired from a day spent hard at work,
without cease,
Bouncing from thoughts,
to people,
to dreams,
Each a little life, unlived.
Some sorrowful,
some painful,
exactly like a dream,
And it all comes to a halt,
with the slow drip of darkness,
as the earth spins.

How soothing,
the salve, promising a fresh start,
As the bouncing,
and the trouncing
of an oppressive existence,
Demanding strenuous effort,
and inviolable determination,
Retracts it's terrible grip on the mind,
And the comfort of an end,
Cajoles you into a calm.

How relaxing,
to finally enjoy a day well spent,
As you spread your legs,
and relive all that you've experienced,
Each memory a kiss,
Bringing a smile,
as the curtain slowly unfurls.
A chapter ends,
as the lights around the stage dims.

Nothing really changes,
except which way our world faces,
Turning away from the sun,
and it's oppressive light,
Towards the vastness of space,
and the darkness of the night,
Fueling our dreams, hopes, and ambitions,
Promising a new dawn,
filled with fresh opportunities,
And plans coming to fruition.

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