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Summer Salad

Amishi Shah

Ditch the usual tomatoes & basil.

Toss up a fun brunch-
grilled watermelon, imperfectly cubed, with yellow peppers, roughly sliced scallions, wild arugula, a generous sprinkle of shaved parmesan, healthy drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette, maybe top it with roasted jalapeños for some punch.

Be adventurous.

It’s ok if you don’t follow the recipe; make it sweet and salty, tangy and peppery; let it transport you to that spirited summer in Tuscany.

To when a young man pulled out a chair at your table, re-filled your glass of wine, striking up a conversation. The Nonna of the restaurant nodded toward him, not your food, and stopped to ask ‘Molto gustoso, si?’ and you blushed as you made meaning from translation.

When he finally pointed ‘Come, I take you to see the Duomo’, you looked at his scooter, wore a wide grin, excitement wicking through your fingers, tucked in your skirts, telling yourself “There’s more to life than always being safe” and climbed on, at your discretion.

So, as you mix the salad today, remember that delightful summer lesson.

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