Some breakups are beautiful
Bobby Pawar
Allow me to explain. I am a poet.
Not by choice. But by compulsion.
Sometimes I think I have a crack
in my head, that thoughts pour into.
Holes in my fingers for them to
bleed through onto a page.
Every poem I write has the same journey.
There is an idea.
A notion wrapped in the seductive
flesh of possible beauty.
I ache to possess it as completely
as it possesses me.
Breathe a soul into it with my words.
There is an intimacy between
the writer and the written.
Every vowel is a caress.
Every comma a kiss.
Every line is foreplay to the next.
But once the poem is done,
we are happily done with each other.
We belong to someone, or something, else.
The poem to the reader.
And I to the next poem.
This is the goodest of goodbyes.