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Mosambi Girl

Sachit Kalra

I would compare you to a fruit, every fibre of you
Invest the time to dissect and admire your Pomegranate Personality
Pull back each segment and pick out every seed
I see that produce as you needs patience to peel
I have the care to prepare any preparations
I’ll purchase a peeler, grow my nails an extra millimetre
If it means that I won't miss a single pearl of you

I would compare you to a fruit
You remind me of those spikey apples with the wacky hat
Cause I just can't stop pining over you
You are a Guava I would Go after, know I apri-caught feelings
See I just can't stop smiling cause of you
You are like a pineapple.
I can feel your rinds shrinking as the dry sinks in and your spines prick me
The longer that I hold. I am running out of time to tell the truth

I overthink, so scared you'll override
I waited so long to take the bite that you were overripe. I won't deny
The abundance of bitterness, sourness, and
Pungence your fruit punch brings

I don’t want to judge you
I don’t want to glower at your blemishes and oxidations
Comfort myself and rule you out as spoilage
I won’t compare you to an apple
I won't say that you were cyanide at the centre

Through rawness and rot in our dis-germination
My taste buds still taste - Your sucrose, your fructose, your sugar
The zest in our peels. If I could do it over I would do it different
I would sink my teeth into each sweet idiosyncrasy. Like Mulberries
I would savour every sweet and sour note religiously. Like Mosambis

By Sachit

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