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I tried

Meeti Rathi

They said don't wear heels that are high,their clatter will awaken the monster so I started tip toeing around in the day and at the night.
But they told me the monster hunts at night so I bolted my doors and stayed inside,with my pretty dresses and candlelight.
They made me cover my pretty dresses to escape the monster's eyes.
I did all this with a happy smile but then they wiped off my smile.Why?Oh that's easy -smiles make the monster hungry.
I felt safe from the monster after all I had done everything to keep him at bay.
Then one night I heard the door open and in came the most ghastly sight-he had 2 feet,2 hands,2 eyes and a nose and the eeriest smile.
I hid my smile and my pretty dresses deep in my closet but the monster kept closing in so I checked my bare feet for any clatter to find none

That made me wonder did the monster ever really sleep like they told me
Did the monster really fear the Light of Law?
My doubts were answered immediately as he crushed my soul right under the candle's light and ripped my heart out for the world to behold the sight .
I lay there with a dazed look in my eyes with tears that had long gone dry and a smile that had faded forever
Gone were my pretty dresses and my high heels.
Because they told me the monster hunts at night.
I guess I didn't do all that it takes to hide from his sight.

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