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GayatrI Vaidya

Why do I feel this way?

From the day we met, to date
I never thought anyone would make me this fascinate
When I see them boulders, why do I knock them over?
Is it because there's some connection? Or is that a confusion?
Ain't gonna talk about butterflies,
Care is what I see in your eyes
Seeing you pour your heart out,
Keeps my mind at ease.

Never thought of friendship,
Never thought what it's gonna be
Was I always wishing for something? Or was it a dream?
Ain't insecure being the second choice,
All that I cared was to break the ice,
There ain't no competition for you,
Cuz I know what I have for you is true
Never spoke to anyone new,
Seeing you the first time made my mind blew,
Everybody knows but you!

We're like puzzle pieces together,
You pick me up when I'm low,
I pick you up when you're down.
Am I gonna feel the same forever?
Or am I wishing for something that's gonna happen never?
Scared that I'd lose you,
Complicated was something that I already knew,
Should I ask what's the problem?
Or should I wait till I get numb?

Asking myself who am I fooling?
What's with the chemistry? What's with the understanding?
Approaching first isn't my forte,
Moving on isn't a choice.
You approached, I accepted.
Felt like I had everything,
You held my hand and it meant nothing
Was all of this a lie? Or a reason for goodbye.

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