And then there was one
Namasvi Bandarupalli
There were dreams and desires
Which still lingered in the nimbus of my thoughts
The deers were stotting but my heart had salters
The pain of the past pierced like the lands of drought
And then there were some
There were keys and kites
Which led to the unlocking of ideas and flying of regrets
The culture of silver flourished in the peninsula, turned it into an empire of grain and gold
Attracted many beyond Himalayas and Europa, only sacred few conquered love and lust
And then there were some
There were rays and rains
Scores of ships sailed over the Arabian Sea for spices and greed
Motherland grieved to be freed not for her but for her children in need
Son of Sahayadri striked fears into the heart of the Saltanat and Surat
And then there were few
There were bees and butterflies
But the bumble and babble of betrayers were getting sold for few guns and tools
Rivers of blood, chains of slavery, indigenous loot, few coveted for manufactured foreign goods
Time demanded for the birth of new minds and men who jettisoned the cannons and notions
And then there were few
There were trees and fruits
The cards of caste and prejudice of race created a malicious maze and punish stocks for humans
Wars and laws by men and the blouse and pyre of women, paved for a new era for humans
Forests were cleared making way for the new civilization and the pulp of industrialization
And then there were few
There were seeds and metals
Revolts and Revolutionaries, Reforms and Radicals seeded and grouped for freedom
Might of weapons, plight of people made a century of diseased
Salt, Famine, Fauz, ratings and total dissidence leapt upon the island allied power
And then there were many
There were tools and machines
Poisoned and Partitioned, cheated and murdered, there were cremations and integration of a nation
Dams, Industries, Plans, Budgets, reorganization and consolidation for a solid foundation
Wars and grains, democracy and emergency, nuclear rights and cold war confrontation
And then there were many
There were virtues and spirits
Walls of economy, trade and tariff, new tech had responsible leaders dawn
Vestiges of past, bigotry in few elected had reminded the colonial despots
Nobel minds from the wombs of virtue women had spirited in the karma land
And then there were many
There were books and bots
The tech of print and chat has spread good and bad
The tech of mobile and motor had effect on distance and vision
Big tech and games rise but it is books and stories, fests and talks that one reprise
And then there was one
The Reader