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A Brilliant Shine

Varun Balodi

Mercurius XI stumbled through the desolate wasteland that the Earth had become. Through rocky plains and barren coasts, he reached the small hill that had always imposed upon him as a child. Now an old man, he sat at its peak and looked at the target of his speech, hoping that his words didn’t go to waste.

The thicks and thins of his life had taught him a lot. They had made him the person he was today. Kind, open-minded, one looking for peace. Now, he was going to fight his biggest battle after having meticulously prepared for four months. With his whole life flashing before his eyes, he composed himself and started -

“Is this what you want? And I don't mean that lightly. Is this what you truly want? Think about where you started, and think about where you are right now. Is this really what your whole life had been leading up to? I can proudly tell you that that probably isn't the case. I’ve lived a life of hatred and pain. One in which I was seething for blood. But today, I can tell you that I was wrong. When everything came crashing down, I realised that that is not what I truly wanted. What I wanted was a moment of happiness. Of peace and quiet, in which I could reflect on myself with a cool mind and become a better person. So, you think too. Is this really, truly, what you want? Or are you deceiving yourself like me?”

He did not know if it was working. The first part had gone well. His words had landed exactly how he had envisioned. Surely, they were leaving an immense impact. Surely, they would lead to the positive ending that he was hoping for in his heart.

“You are the one who nurtured, aren't you? You are the one who led to years and years of happiness in the lives and souls of so many. Some people worship you, for they understand the importance of your actions. They understand the love that you hold. Is this how you want to repay the ones who hold you in such high regard? Can you truly say that you hold no love for them, in return of theirs? You have already destroyed two, completely annihilated them. And now, despite that, I am willing to forgive. Be a better person. No second is too short for a decision like that. You can change at this very moment. Stop and think about what you truly want your legacy to be! One of a benevolent being who helped so many, or of a fiery beast who doesn't care about what it ruins! Your destiny is in your hands!”

Mercurius XI looked down at the ground, tears covering his face. There was nothing more he could think of, that could stop this. Nothing else that could truly bring about peace back into the world.

Unfortunately, his face began to sweat, and his body felt like it was being pelted by burning coal. He had failed, at the end. His words had meant nothing. Some things, some beings, did not want to understand. All he could do was reflect back on his own good life and remember the people he cared about.

All around him his home burned, and he accepted his fate.

The Sun engulfed the Earth.

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